About Us

The Eucharistic Youth Movement was founded in Europe during World War I and was known as the Eucharistic Crusade. Its purpose at that time was to pray, especially to the Blessed Sacrament, for the conversion of hearts and the reconciliation among the disillusioned youths affected by the War. Although the Eucharistic Crusade was founded by a Jesuit, Pere Bessiere, S.J., it was brought to Hanoi, Vietnam, by the Sulpicians in 1929. By 1951, it had spread throughout the whole country and became an organised movement in the early 1960's. In 1964, in keeping with the spirit of the Second Vatican Council, the Vietnamese Eucharistic Crusade was transformed into the Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Movement and was approved by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Government. This new transition integrated both prayer and apostolate services. From 1964 to 1975, the Movement grew considerably in spirit and in number. In order to accommodate the growth of the Movement, the first National Convention, "Promised-Land I", was held in 1972. Over 2,000 coordinating-leaders attended it. By 1975, there were about 140,000 members, under the leadership of 3,800 coordinating-leaders serving in 650 parishes within 13 dioceses in South Vietnam. With the fall of South Vietnam in 1975, the Society's activities ceased temporarily. However, with the waves of refugees fleeing to new homelands, the Movement came to life again. The Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Movement is currently active in many different countries in the free world: Australia, Canada, Europe, Japan, and the United States. In 1993, the Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Movement joined hundreds of thousands of youth from all over the world to attend the Pope's "World Youth Day", in Denver, Colorado. In Australia, there are about 1700 members in 17 Vietnamese Catholic communities and parishes under the direction of 250 coordinating-leaders and chaplains: In order to correspond to the growth and revival of the Movement, "The National Leaders Convention I" was convened in December 1984 at Geelong, Victoria.

Who Are We?
The Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Movement is a non-profit organization, under the leadership of the Catholic Church. Its aim is to teach youths to be virtuous people and good Christians. It also offers apostolate services for the youth. Throughout its years of service, the Movement has kept pace with social and cultural changes of the day in an attempt to reach out to the youth of all times.
Our Purpose
The Eucharistic Youth Movement has two general purposes:
To educate and train youths in becoming a better person as well as an excellent Christian
To organize and to guide all youths in spreading the Good News of the Gospel and to actively be involved in working for the good of society through charitable services and helping others.
Our Foundation
The Eucharistic Youth Movement utilizes God's Word in the Scriptures and the teaching of the Catholic Church as the basis for educating and guiding the youth in its activities.
Our Ideal
Eucharistic Youth Movement accepts the Eucharistic Jesus Christ as its focal point, as source of spiritual life, and as ideal for the life of its members.
Our Principles
Live God's Word and be united with the Eucharistic Christ through Prayer, Communion, Sacrifice, and Apostolic Work under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, particularly apostolic work by the youth: "The youth must do apostolic work first and directly to the youth" (Decree Lay Apostolicity, no. 12)
Love and honor the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Savior, so that through Our Mother, we receive Christ and take Christ into our lives in a perfect way.
Honor the Vietnamese Martyrs; follow their examples to become witnesses for the Good News of Christ.
Love and obey the representative of Christ, the Pope, who is the leader of the Eucharistic Youth, and at the same time pray and implement the monthly wishes of the Holy Father.
Improve humanity; protect and develop Vietnamese traditions and culture.
Our 10 Vows
As Eucharistic Youths, we offer our days each morning and enrich our lives with prayers.
As Eucharistic Youths, we worship and receive the Eucharist, and visit regularly at the tabernacle.
As Eucharistic Youths, we make sacrifices and find joy in carrying the Cross of Christ.
As Eucharistic Youths, we depend on Mary's intercession, and determine to be models worthy of Christ's apostles.
As Eucharistic Youths, we perform tasks of all sizes in the spirit of obedience, and do so with excellence.
As Eucharistic Youths, we remain pure in our thoughts, words and actions.
As Eucharistic Youths, we act with charity, and our generous hearts are always willing to help others.
As Eucharistic Youths, we value honesty and gain the trust of people through our words and deeds.
As Eucharistic Youths, we fulfill our responsibilities, regardless of the difficulty.
As Eucharistic Youths, we partake in the spiritual bouquet, record each night and tally each week.

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